Pine Island Tropicals

Momma Donna's Products

All of our products are made from scratch using our organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible. Our products are made the old-fashion way, in small batches, to ensure the freshest products possible. Some of our products may not be available year around since we are using the freshest for the season.

Customers favorites are: Mango Ginger Jam, Mango Chutney, Mango BBQ Sauce, Mango Salsa, Mango Habanero Jam, Ghost Pepper infused Honey, Lychee Syrup and Jack Fruit Jam.

Fruit Breads, Honey


Pickled Vegetables and More
Read about our selection


Contact Us


Monday-Saturday: 10-5
Sunday: Seasonal Call ahead for hours

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Retail Location

Pine Island Tropical Fruit Market
12870 Stringfellow Road
Bokeelia, FL 33922

2015 American Made Logo
2015 American Made Winner

Farm Location

Pine Island Tropicals
5443 Game Bird Lane
Bokeelia, FL 33922


Quick Links

Licensed and insured: # 47223343